
We strive to create two-way communication pipelines that allow environmental data and information to flow from the USDA Climate Hubs and partner organizations to tribal agricultural producers and educators, and for traditional knowledge about climate and adaptation to flow back to the Hubs and other partners.

Partners and collaborators include individual tribal producers as well as groups such as Intertribal Agriculture Council (IAC), Southwest Indian Agricultural Association (SWIAA), Native American Agriculture Fund (NAAF), Indigenous Food and Agriculture Initiative (IFAI). We work to identify climate adaptation resources that can better support tribal farmers and ranchers.

Project activities are designed to foster trust between Climate Hubs and Native farmers, ranchers, and resource managers in their regions through respectful, equitable, and culturally appropriate information sharing. Our work showcases tribal food sovereignty initiatives, agroecosystem biocultural restoration, drought-resistant cropping, and other adaptation successes and challenges.


Intertribal Agricultural Council

The IAC provides support for Native agricultural producers, consulting on policies and programs as well as providing useful guides, e-learning materials, scholarships, events, and other forms of assistance for individuals.