The events listed below are hosted by Native Resilience, our partner organizations, and others working on climate adaptation and tribal issues. If you have an event which you would like included on this list, please contact our communications coordinator, [email protected].


flyer for SWAAN 2025

Southwest Agroforestry Action Network Annual Conference

11-13 March 2025. Santa Fe, NM. In-person.

The upcoming Southwest Agroforestry Action Network (SWAAN) meeting in Santa Fe, NM will be a great opportunity to network with and learn from agroforestry, permaculture, ecological restoration, and sustainable farming professionals and practitioners. Registration includes lunch, coffee and snacks and the second day farm tours. Continuing education credits are available from the International Society of Arboriculture for partial or full registration. Register here (registration is hosted by our fiscal sponsor Arizona Community Tree Council). The draft agenda is available here: SWAAN AGENDA 2025.

For more information, contact Caiti Steele ([email protected]).

native resilience

Native Resilience Working Group Meetings

 On Zoom, third Tuesday of each month

The Native Resilience Working Group (NRWG) is a forum for Tribal Extension leaders, agriculture producers, and youth educators to come together with federal agency partners to learn about seasonal and long-term weather trends and to discuss how weather extremes are impacting Tribal agriculture, economies, and well-being.

 Learn more