Author Shecota Rae Nalwood Nez explores the history and future of the Santa Cruz River in a changing climate.
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Stories about climate impacts, adaptation, and Native resilience written by our team’s Climate Reporter interns. Learn more about the Native Climate Reporter Internship program.
Author Shecota Rae Nalwood Nez explores the history and future of the Santa Cruz River in a changing climate.
The Tohono O’odham Himdag (way of living in the world) has guided our actions since time immemorial. It also holds valuable lessons for the future. By Mary C. Wilson.
A poem by Andra Hawk-Valdez walks us through the cycle of the seasons as storms build, fires burn, winds clear the air, and all is renewed.
Poet Andra Hawk-Valdez notices the effects of drought on the grasses during an evening walk at the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming.
A poem by Gina McGuire reflects on the presence and negative effects of microplastics in our bodies, food, air, and water.
An interview with Nadine Manuel touches on challenges facing the Hopi Nation during this time of climate change and drought. By Gina McGuire.
A poem by Gina McGuire looks back to ancestral knowledges of groundwater and lifeways to inform the future.
A short story by Gina McGuire explores the intersection of Hawaiian culture with climate and disease ecology.
By Gina McGuire. How Much More? I wonder, will the sea push, the slow crawl inland into freshwater lens…
Piercen Nguyen, member of Enterprise Rancheria, Estom Yumeka Maidu Tribe, has been teaching Native American community members in NV and CA how to protect air quality in their homes during wildfire season.